All hair are composed of keratin, a tough protein from which they are made our nails too. Each hair comes out through a pore. In the base of the pore is a group of cells that regulates collagen. Growing the hair, leads the necessary moisture to the surface of the skin and restrains odors.However, hair growth in unwanted areas is a real enemy for a flawless look. In Ancient Egypt a hairless body was a standard of beauty, youth and innocence. So today, a soft and velvety skin consists a component of beauty for every woman.
Depilation is part of modern beauty care for women and men.Kallisto spa helps you to get rid of unwanted hair and get a soft and velvety skin. The hair removal services, provided at our place include:
Laser delivers energy that is absorbed by the follicle and then converted into heat. This heat destroys the hair to about 1/1000 of a second! Laser is applied to all parts of the body and face and is effective in all types of hair. Laser treatment is practically painless.
Wax is one of the most effective and safe hair removal methods. It is a temporary hair removal method. Our wax contains honey and 100% virgin olive oil. Wax removes easily the hair, reduces irritation, leaving a feeling of softness to the skin. Waxing is highly recommend to all areas of the body, even in sensitive areas like the bikini and the armpits.
Usually, this method does not cause allergic reactions because it contains only natural ingredients. The halawa consists of sugar, water and lemon juice. The results last about fifteen days, as it removes the hair from their root.
With the method of thermolysis, channeled, a kind of high frequency electrical current for two seconds in the follicle through a very fine needle. The hair is then removed with a tweezers snap. The results are permanent and primarily used for small areas. The experienced beauty center, Kallisto spa, you can get rid of unwanted hair.
The biological or enzymatic hair removal is waxing or halawa and then penetration of plant – enzymes that dissolve protein pocket. These enzyms weaken the ability of the pocket to generate new hair. This method stops the spread of hair, weakens the bristle and destroys the fluff.