We use machines of the latest generation Laser (Laser Yag and L900).
How the Laser treatment is done?
The laser delivers energy that is absorbed by the follicle and then converted into heat. This heat destroys the hair to about 1/1000 of a second!
In what circumstances the Laser treatment is appropriate?
- In preventing recurrence of bladder coccyx
- In the treatment of folliculitis caused by predominantly in hairiness
- And also for the treatment of discolorations that appear either due to hormonal disorders or excessive exposure to the sun.
The laser is applied to all parts of the body and face and is effective in all types of hair. However, the response to the treatment and the number of sessions required, depends on various factors. The black hairs respond better than lighter ones. Inactivation of hair occurs progressively during treatments. In some parts of the body hair removal is permanent, after a series of sessions.
What are the possible complications?
The laser treatment is practically painless. You may notice some skin irritation that can last from an hour to a few days. Also rarely a hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation of the skin may occur, so it should be avoided sunbathing immediately after treatment.
At the Department of Laser and Treatment of hirsutism of Kallisto Spa, the following treatments are carried out:
- Hirsutism of face and body
- Spider veins
- Firming of Face and Body
- Chromatic lesions (brown spots)
During its operation, and by its vast experience in the treatment of hirsutism with laser, it was found that the results are better:
- In less hormone dependent areas(eg legs, bikini, underarms, cheeks)
- In areas where no other depilation method was previously used.
- In individuals that combine light skin and dark hair.